Why on Earth would I decided to give up the one thing that I do everyday without fail? Well, just for that reason exactly.
Hello, my name is Rachelle, and I'm a Facebookaholic.
I am however allowing myself to use Facebook chat and here is my justification for that: I use a program called Adium which logs into all my different chat programs at once so I don't have 5+ applications running at the same time. I am usually logged into Facebook chat through this and chat is not something that consumes my time like Facebook actually does. At least chatting is communicating and while I am chatting with someone, I am usually being productive doing something else on the computer. Facebook, on the other hand, just sucks me in.
Let's be honest, I'm going to miss it. I'm already having separation anxiety.

For Lent I usually try to give up something that will test my character to the max. Last year I gave up alcohol and fast food. It was difficult, but by the end I was healthier and very proud of myself. And I must say the whole process definitely changed my drinking/eating habits in the long run for the better. I am hoping that giving up Facebook will force me to do other things with the moments that I am bored and be more productive with the little down time I actually even have.
And to be honest, I really don't like how I know everything that is going on in my friends' lives solely based on their status updates. I'd rather and should know those sorts of things because of having an actual conversation. I think Facebook has done society a disservice by disconnecting us from each other in the process of connecting us to each other (and we are guilty for allowing it to happen).
And if you recall, part of my New Years Resolution was "Unplug" (as in get off Facebook) and "Reconnect" (as in reconnect with old friends etc). So this sacrifice is kinda reinforcing my NYR.
I am however allowing myself to use Facebook chat and here is my justification for that: I use a program called Adium which logs into all my different chat programs at once so I don't have 5+ applications running at the same time. I am usually logged into Facebook chat through this and chat is not something that consumes my time like Facebook actually does. At least chatting is communicating and while I am chatting with someone, I am usually being productive doing something else on the computer. Facebook, on the other hand, just sucks me in.
Let's be honest, I'm going to miss it. I'm already having separation anxiety.

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