Tuesday, August 25, 2009

PETA, why you gotta make fun of fat people?

Are you serious PETA? As a fan of the organization, I am highly disappointed in their poor taste and judgement with this billboard. Insulting people is NOT going to get people to think like you do, or to consider the lifestyle you are advocating. In fact is seems that it has just plain pissed off all kinds of people. Even PETA supporters such as myself. But in a world were even bad publicity is 'good publicity' maybe thats exactly what they were going for.

PETA has now replacing the billboard with this one below:

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Andhari said...

Ummm, still mean to me :(

Rachelle Morris said...

yeah i know right...not to mention not even accurate. Just cause you don't eat meat doesnt mean you aren't pigging out on junk food!

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